The FilMmakers

Ofer Winter

Shimon Engel
Ofer Winter and Shimon Engel are a duo of animation directors from the award-winning Dov Abramson Studio in Jerusalem.
Working together since 2016, they have worked on dozens of animated explainer videos, music videos and short animated films.
Both graduates of the Visual Communication Dept. at Bezalel Academy (Ofer 2013, Shimon 2015) they symbiotically divide the work on animations projects between them: Shimon often designs characters and illustrates the visual style of the project, while Ofer leads the motion and animation aspects; but many times they’ll switch it up - just to keep things fresh :)
Among the team’s notable projects: “Lost and Found” (Animation Short, 2019); “Jerusalem” (Music Video, 2019); “People of the Book” (Web Series, 2018).